Textural Interpolations
These compositions are made up of materials in the form of other materials; glass as tire, brick, diamond plate, rebar, rubber as rope, paint as styrofoam, broken glass represented in paint. Being an not being, these scraps and segments that make up the work are cues that something has significance and has been estranged - re-materialization and organization of materials in space like an *Infinite Improbability Drive.
In the way man impresses himself in nature, how our environments become reflections of our psyche - I see it is my disposition to do the same while I explore process and materials. These sculptural formations become an outpost of personal consciousness, touching on a continuing theme of transformation.
The core material exploration of this series is glass - the ultimate in shape shifting, luminosity, fragility, and permanence. The material when blown seeks to be round, corporal form - an invitation for character, ego, theatre, and commentary.
*Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe